Why Does A URL State "Sorry, The Page You Were Looking For In This Blog Does Not Exist" (404, Non-Existing Page Or Pages)?

Asked one year ago
Answer 1
Viewed 252


The common reasons are to be a URL as the 404 Error (soft-404s) URL:

  • Wrong URL Structure.
  • URL address changing.
  • Removing URL.
  • Miss configuring while hyperlinking.
  • It may occur while migrating to a site.
  • Massive disputative URL deindexing and URL Removal
  • Badly configured template with error in coding, and more.
  • Knowledge gap or unconsciousness about the website or blog management.

Read more to fix 404 error pages- https://www.seosiri.com/2023/05/crawl-requests-not-found.html

Answered one year ago Momenul AhmadMomenul Ahmad