Where Do I Find ChatGPT Cheat Sheet For Data Science?

Asked one year ago
Answer 1
Viewed 352

ChatGPT has taken the (data) world by storm and is becoming one of the most useful tools for a variety of tasks. In this cheat sheet, we'll focus on useful pointers that data scientists can use in ChatGPT as part of their data workflows.

Future Tools - GPT Cheat Sheet

Prompts for general coding workflows

Code debugging workflows

Debugging Python Code
I want you to be a python programmer, here is a python code snippet with {problem} - {insert code snippet} - I get the following error {insert error}. What is the reason for the error?

Debugging R code
I want you to be an R programmer. Here is an R code snippet with {problem} - {insert snippet} - I get the following error {Insert Error}. What is the reason for the error?

Debugging SQL Code
I want you to become an SQL programmer. Here is a sql snippet with {problem} - {insert snippet} - I get the following error {insert error}. What is the reason for the error?

I want you to act as a code explainer in Python. I don't understand this function. Can you explain what you are doing and give an example? {insert function}

R Code Explained
I want you to act as a code explainer in R. I don't understand this function. Can you explain what you are doing and give an example? {insert function}

SQL code explained
I want you to act as a code explainer in SQL. I don't understand this excerpt. Can you explain what you are doing and give an example? {insert SQL query}

Optimizing Python Code
I want you to act as a code optimizer in Python. {Describe the problem with the current code if possible}. Can you make the code {more Pythonic/cleaner/efficient/faster/more readable}? {Enter Code}

Optimizing R code
I want it to act as a code optimizer in R. {Describe the problem with current code if possible}. Can you make the code {cleaner/more efficient/faster/more readable}? {Enter Code}

Optimizing SQL code
I want you to act as sql query optimizer. {Describe the problem with the current code if possible}. Can you suggest ways to make the query {faster/more readable/easier to run}? {Enter code}

Simplifying Python Code
I want you to act as a programmer in Python. Please simplify this code and make sure it is {efficient/easy to read/pythonic}. {Enter code}

Simplifying R code
I want you to act as an R programmer. Please simplify this code and make sure it is {efficient/easy to read}. {Enter code}

Simplify SQL Code
I want you to act as SQL programmer. I'm using {PostgreSQL 14/MySQL 8/SQLite 3.4/other versions}. Can you simplify this query to {make sure it's efficient/easy to read/insert additional requirements}?

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Answered one year ago White Clover   MarketsWhite Clover Markets