What Was The Biggest Financial Waste Of Taxpayers Money You Witnessed While In The Military?

Asked 2 years ago
Answer 1
Viewed 169
The ?use it or lose it? mentality, would love to know how many millions, trillions even, that where wasted over the years. Every year, just before the end of the tax year, things were bought/ordered/used due to nothing but the fact if you hadn?t spent your budget that year it would likely be cut for the next year. I?ve been on exercises where, I kid you not, we were supposed to shout ?bang? as we didn?t have enough blanks etc. (worst I remember is 10 blank rounds each for a three day patrol!) only to be on exercise a couple of months later, just before the end of the financial year, where we literally couldn?t carry the amount of blanks, shamoolies, thunder flashes etc. they were issuing. The weight of them, let alone lack of space in our webbing, made it impossible to carry on foot. Read Also : What are the bolts that hold a head to an engine called?
Answered 2 years ago John DaoJohn Dao