What Kind Of Strat Did Eric Clapton Play?

Asked 10 months ago
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The Bumper Eric Clapton Stratocaster is the mark model electric guitar of English guitarist Eric Clapton. It was the primary mark model guitar delivered by Bumper.

Eric Clapton played a scope of various Bumper and Gibson models while playing in The Yardbirds and Cream. In 1970, for his milestone Layla and Other Grouped Love Melodies with Derek and the Dominos, Clapton began utilizing a sunburst 1956 Stratocaster which he later nicknamed Brownie that he had purchased in May 1967 while in Cream.

While on visit with the Dominos, Clapton visited Sho-Bud Music in Nashville where he purchased six extra mid-50s Stratocasters for around $100 each.

On his re-visitation of the UK, he gave one to George Harrison, one to Pete Townshend and a third to Steve Winwood. The leftover three each had alluring characteristics that Clapton joined in a solitary instrument.

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He took the body from a dark 1956 Stratocaster he enjoyed the vibe of, the neck from a 1957 Stratocaster he loved the vibe of and the hardware stacked pickguard from one more Stratocaster that sounded better compared to the others, developing Blackie that should have been his fundamental instrument from 1970 until its retirement from dynamic help during the '80s.

In 1985, Dan Smith moved toward Clapton to examine an arrangement to make a mark guitar worked to his own determinations. Clapton requested that Bumper make a guitar with the particular Angular shape neck of his Martin acoustic as well as a "packed" pickup sound.

In light of Clapton's concise, Bumper made two early models: one with a neck in view of estimations taken from Blackie and one with a marginally gentler Angular shape which Clapton eventually considered ideal. The two models highlighted hardware in light of the First class Stratocaster including its 12 dB MDX mid-help circuit.

expected to make the Stratocaster's single-curls sound more like a humbucker. Clapton loved the lift circuit however requested more powerful reach, provoking Bumper to supplant the "World class" pickups with Gold Trim Sensor pickups and a refreshed MDX circuit that had been changed up to convey 25 dB of lift in the midrange at around 500 Hz.

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Clapton originally utilized Gold Trim Sensors on three model mark models worked by George Blanda and Michael Stevens - one was done in Torino Red and the other two in Pewter Dim Metallic - in The Ruler's Trust Show, in June 1986.

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The primary early models made around 1986-87 highlighted a 21-fret neck, a 21 dB mid-help circuit, a functioning/latent flip switch (which has been erased on the last delivery) and Schaller locking lash buttons.

The end result (delivered in 1988) is basically a classic 1957 reissue Stratocaster highlighting a profoundly formed select birch body, a 1-piece delicate Angular maple neck fitted with 22 one of a kind style worries, level 9.5" span and BiFlex support pole framework.

One of the novel highlights of this guitar was the consideration of a unique rare synchronized tremolo span closed off to overcome tremolo use by a little piece of wood wedged into the scaffold pit.

This thought came to fruition as Clapton preferred the tone of tremolo-prepared Stratocasters however not their tuning flimsiness in addition to he had no need for the whammy bar. In 1991 Clapton consented to have his unique model with a rosewood fretboard too to suit the necessities of players despising the vibe of maple-neck models. Just 94 of these fleeting guitars were made before their creation at last stopped.

Eric Clapton | Vintage Guitar® magazine

The Trim Sensors in the Clapton Mark Stratocaster were supplanted with Bumper One of a kind Silent pickups in 2001 (despite the fact that Clapton started involving the new pickups on his own guitars in Walk 2000 and was sometimes seen playing Ribbon Sensor-prepared Stratocasters until 2010). The Classic Quiet pickups were beforehand accessible as a standard hardware material on the Bumper American Grand Series guitars delivered before 2004.

The Custom Shop variant (presented in 2004) is accessible in 12 PM Blue, Mercedes Blue, Dark and Gold Leaf with gold-plated equipment (likewise accessible with a "Thinskin" nitrocellulose polish completion in Olympic.

White, Torino Red and Pewter, as well as a left-given version).failed confirmation The Eric Clapton Custom Understudy Artifact Stratocaster, presented in 2017, highlights a 2-piece select debris body, accessible in 2-Variety Sunburst and Matured White Blonde.

Since their presentation in 2004, all Custom Shop Clapton Stratocasters (Group Fabricated and Expert Constructed) utilized a standard tone control rather than a TBX tone circuit. The TBX highlight has been once again introduced in 2009 on "Group Constructed" renditions; just the "Expert Fabricated" models had a typical tone control.

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Answered 10 months ago Ola Hansen