What Is The Difference Between A Meteor And An Asteroid And A Comet?

Asked 2 months ago
Answer 1
Viewed 55

Apart from comets, meteors, what distinguishes asteroids? Every one of these space rocks has particular qualities. Still, these amazing artifacts are all deserving of investigation. Ryan Park, a NASA JPL scientist, will agree just ask him.

Meteor And An Asteroid And A Comet

All of them, then, are planetary objects revolving around the Sun. Seen with a telescope, an asteroid—a tiny, stony object—appears as a point of light. The asteroid belt, which runs between Mars's and Jupiter's orbits, hosts most asteroids.

There are round some asteroids, elongated others, and some that even feature satellites. Though it orbits the Sun as well, a comet is made of ice and dust unlike an asteroid. Thus, the ice and dust component of a comet begins to melt near the Sun. Under a telescope, then, a comet seems blurry and/or has a tail.

And what then is a meteor? Let us thus begin with a meteoroid. Usually formed after a collision, a meteoroid is a small chunk of asteroid or comet usually pebble-sized but could be somewhat smaller or larger. A meteor is a meteoroid that approaches Earth and passes through her atmosphere. And a meteor enters the Earth’s atmosphere at a very high speed. It so burns and generates a shooting star—a stripe of light. You therefore most certainly observed a meteor if you have seen a shooting star. A meteorite is also the result if a meteor survives the burn and falls on Earth.

What is an Asteroid?

Asteroids are large bits of rock which float trough space and orbit the Sun.

Their variations in size make them far smaller than planets.

The biggest dubbed Ceres is roughly 940 km wide - that's twice as huge as the Grand Canyon! - A few of the smaller asteroids can measure six meters in diameter.

What is a Meteoroid?

Sometimes asteroids can smash into each other in space, and this can mean little bits break off.

We name these tiny fragments of rock meteoroids.

Meters across or grains of sand—meteoroids can be as little as either.

What is a Meteor?

A meteoroid starts to burn up and descends to the ground if it approaches Earth sufficiently to reach our atmosphere.

One knows this flaming trail as a meteor.

Usually vibrantly colored, they create lovely light trails across the sky.

What is a Comet?

Comets float across space circling the Sun, much as asteroids.

But unlike a gigantic dirty snowball, comets are composed of ice and dust rather than rock.

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Answered 2 months ago Pirkko  KoskitaloPirkko Koskitalo