What Is The Best Way To Learn Python For Students?

Asked 11 months ago
Answer 1
Viewed 367

Learning Python was extremely difficult for me, but it didn't have to be that way.

A little over ten years ago I graduated from college. degree, history degree and some perspectives. I have become a successful machine learning engineer, data science consultant, and now CEO of Dataquest.

However, this is not “an instant success.” My journey to learning Python has been long, inefficient, and often discouraging.

If I could do it all over again, I would follow the steps I share with you. one . with you in this article. I would have accelerated my career, saved thousands of wasted hours, and avoided a lot of stress.

This guide will show you how to learn Python the right way. way.

Step 1: Understand why most people fail

Learning Python doesn't fails .

Learning Python can only be difficult. It can actually be easy (and fun) if you use the right resources.

The problem with most teaching resources

Most available courses make learning Python more difficult than it needs to be. To illustrate my point, I'll give a personal example.

When I started learning Python, I wanted to do things that excited me, like Example does. something about websites. Unfortunately, the course I took required me to spend several months studying syntax. It was torture.

Throughout the course, the Python code continued to look strange and confusing. It was like a strange language. Not surprisingly, I quickly lost interest.

Unfortunately, most Python tutorials are very similar to this one. They assume that you have to learn all of Python's syntax before you can start doing interesting tasks. Is it any wonder that most people give up?

Instead of wasting time on these mundane tasks, you can discover the real excitement of Python. Consider analyzing data, building a website, or building an autonomous drone with artificial intelligence!

An easier way

After many failed attempts, I have found the process that works best for me. In fact, I think it's the best way to learn Python programming.

First of all, I spent as little time as possible learning Python programming. Remember the syntax. So I took what I learned and immediately dove headfirst into a project that I found really interesting.

Following the steps below is not only more fun, but it's also fun. Plus, I can learn incredibly fast!

In fact, it was because of this improved way of learning that I developed Dataquest. With our data science courses you can create projects immediately, spending little time on boring things. Check out our courses here. Registration is free.

Step 2: Identify what motivates you

Here are the aspects positive news: With the right motivation, anyone can achieve a high level of mastery of Python.

As a beginner, I had trouble staying awake when I tried, remember: if anything about syntax. However, when I needed to apply the basics of Python to create an interesting project, I would stay up all night to complete it.

What's the lesson here? You need to find what motivates you and get excited about it! First, find one or two areas that interest you

Step 3: Quickly learn basic syntax

I know, I know. I said we would spend as little time as possible on syntax. Unfortunately, this step cannot be skipped entirely.

Here are some good resources to help you learn the basics of Python without destroying your motivation:

Dataquest - Introductory Course in Python Programming: I started Dataquest to help me learn Python and data science. Dataquest teaches Python syntax as part of learning data science. For example, you'll learn basic Python commands when analyzing weather data.
Learn Python the Hard Way: A book that teaches Python concepts, from basic programs to more detailed programs.< /div >
The Python Tutorial - The tutorial on the main Python page.
I can't stress this enough: learn what syntax you can and move on. Ideally, you should spend a few weeks on this phase, but no more than a month.

The sooner you start working on projects, the sooner you can learn. You can always look up the syntax later if needed.

Quick note: Learn Python 3, not Python 2. Unfortunately, there are many "Learn Python" programs ". " online - The resources still teach Python 2. However, because Python 2 is no longer supported, bugs and security vulnerabilities are not fixed.

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Answered 11 months ago Evelyn HarperEvelyn Harper