What Are The Decorators In Class Methods In Python?

Asked 10 months ago
Answer 1
Viewed 275

Decorators provide a convenient and elegant way to add functionality to functions and methods in Python. Decorators can be implemented in several ways. A useful use case for decorators is to use them with methods defined in a class. Decoration methods in the classes we create can extend the functionality of the defined method. For example, we might perform a data integrity check or write the result of the method call to a file. It's really up to us what to do. Method decorators simply give us the ability to extend functionality in an elegant way.

As always, the best way to demonstrate the use of decorators is with methods. An example. .

In the following example, I created a simple class called NumericalOps that takes two arguments, val1 and val2. In the Init constructor, these arguments are defined as attributes of the object. So I have defined two methods in this class, namely,multiplicate_together and power.

We propose a very trivial and artificial scenario. I want both val1 and val2 attributes defined on the object to be integers. The multiplier_together method simply multiplies the two values ​​and returns the value of this operation. It is important to note that in Python it is possible to multiply a string, for example, by an integer. This is demonstrated when we create an instance of the NumericalOps class x and pass the two arguments 2 and "my_string" as shown in the console output in the following example.

To ensure data integrity, I will write a decorator called interger_check. To decorate a method in a class, first use the “@” symbol followed by the name of the decorated function.

A decorator is simply a function that takes one function as an argument and returns another function. If we decorate here, use multiply_together with integer_check, the entire function will be called. The multiplier_together method is passed as an argument to the integer_check function and returns...

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Answered 10 months ago Matti  KarttunenMatti Karttunen