For many individuals and business owners, the world of SEO can be daunting and overwhelming. What may seem like a simple concept can actually become incredibly complicated with more research and take years to master.
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Similarly, new websites can take a while to take hold and become established with good SEO practices. New search trends, changing industries, and frequent changes in technology and Google Core updates can make it difficult to advance in new areas. SEO for new websites is an important aspect of marketing because it's important to get your website noticed and get traffic as quickly as possible.
Search optimization can sometimes take a while to show results. And especially with new websites, it takes longer than usual for Google's crawlers to notice and start moving up the ranks. So how can a new website develop an SEO strategy?
Luckily, if you're new to the world of SEO and web design, you don't need to be an expert right away. Just understanding the basics of SEO and formulating a plan before building your website can save you a lot of work and stress later. We have some SEO tips and strategies to give you a better chance. Let's dive into the basics of SEO for new websites.
Plan your website architecture
Even a small site with only a few pages needs a logical architecture.
Most websites have a pyramid structure, starting with the home page at the top. Below are your most important pages, which should be easy to navigate via a navigation bar. Next are subcategories, individual product pages or articles, etc.
A solid, logical structure helps Google understand where the most valuable critical content is on your site so it can index it quickly. It also prevents similar pages from competing with each other, as the most important pages come first in the "pyramid" and should ideally be indexed first and rank higher in search results.
A clean and organized structure makes it easier for visitors to find what they need, creating a positive user experience. If it helps, draw your pyramid on paper to get a visual representation of how you want to organize your site structure.
You can add even more clarity to your site structure by providing breadcrumbs or clickable links at the top of a page that provide a visible path for users to know where they are on your site.
This tip will also help search engines like Google and Bing better understand your new website. You can read breadcrumbs and use them to identify categories and subcategories, as well as find new URLs to explore.
The easier it will be for you to find new links, the faster your site can be placed in the search engine. Give your new website an SEO edge.
Do a keyword research
They know your business, your products and your services better than anyone. Create a list of relevant search terms that best describe your products and services. Think like a potential customer using Google to find a product they need or to answer a question.
Try typing some of your top keywords into the search bar and see what kind of autocomplete suggestions Google gives you. These can be information about how people search for products or services in your niche and give you pointers on how to target them.
Identifying your keywords early is a crucial strategy to help your new website rank faster.
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