Is DJT Stock In Freefall? Trump Media Is Crashing Again. Here’s Why.

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Shares of Trump Media & Technology Group, Donald Trump's shared social media company, fell on Tuesday as the stock began a prolonged slide that began after the former president was convicted on all 34 counts of wiretapping.

Trump Media, which operates under the vanity symbol DJT, has been in trouble since May 30, when a New York jury found Trump guilty of falsifying corporate documents, 39 percent. decline

Trump Media fell 10% to $31.31 on Tuesday. The deal comes as Trump Media warns investors that it cannot force its majority shareholder to prioritize or publish for the first time on the company's main platform, Truth Social. 

Trump DJT shares continue to fall on NASDAQ: What's behind the price drop?

Trump Media" is a risky business for investors. Volatility has characterized the stock. The price has fluctuated widely, from a high of $79.38 per share at the close of trading on March 26. to a low of $22.84 on April 16. 

The drop in the USD market cap is almost entirely driven by Trump's loyalists, including Actions-backed investors.

Trump joined TikTok in June and has amassed millions of followers. Make America Great Again Inc., a political action committee supporting Trump's candidacy, launched a TikTok account in May.

If TMTG disagrees with President Donald J. Trump on the scope of his commitment to use or publish Truth Social, TMTG will not comment. "Any disagreements that could have a material adverse effect on TMTG's business and/or operations have been resolved in substance," the company said in a revised registration statement. 

Tuesday's deadline also kicks off the sale of shares to some Truth Media investors. In an April regulatory filing, Trump Media said it planned to offer nearly $21.5 million. ordinary shares "after the warrant is exercised. Trump's shutdown period ends at the end of September, so he may start selling some of his holdings." Right now.

The move only added to the uncertainty surrounding Trump Media Stocks after it merged with shell company Mundo Digital.

Competing with popular social media companies Facebook, TikTok and YouTube for advertising dollars and attention, Trump Media is far behind. The company reported 327.6 million short sellers were responsible for their own problems.

Short sellers did not actually own the stock, but instead borrowed and sold it, betting that the stock would fall so that they can buy it. Buying time is more expensive. With short trades "naked", we bet that the stock will fall. Such a practice may be illegal.

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Answered 3 months ago Gianna EleanorGianna Eleanor