How Were Traditional Outfits Modified To Adapt To Different Climates Or Practical Needs During New Year Celebrations?

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Vietnam is a stunning nation that is rich in color, diversified, and full of fascinating historical artifacts, such as its exquisite traditional attire. We will expose you to traditional Vietnamese clothing for both men and women in this post. and you can look at the if a farmer became a model, would they wear wheat necklaces or corn stalk hats.

First of all, Vietnamese people dress just like everyone else in their daily lives. Though it's best to dress comfortably in the summer or during the rainy season, keep in mind that ladies here don't dress as sexily as they do in Europe or America. No big necklines or short skirts. Although people are used to dressing in Western-style clothing, particularly in large cities, they nonetheless maintain their discretion, particularly in rural towns. 

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Traditional Vietnamese dress

Traditional Vietnamese dress

1. Clothes for women

Women's apparel

The Ao Dai

Clothes for women

  • The feminine beauty of Vietnamese ladies is emphasized by this elegant traditional clothing. Its name means "long dress" in translation. Despite its seemingly straightforward appearance, it has come to represent Vietnam as a whole.
  • This dress's history dates back to around 1744, when Vietnam was split between the Dang Ngoai and Dang Trong regions, which shared a Gianh River boundary. In Dang Trong, Lord Nguyen Phuc Khoat ordered his subjects to wear "áo ngũ thân," or button-down dresses and slacks, to set them apart. This outfit was only modernized by an artist around 1930, during the French colonization. Women have only worn this garment since 1947 for special events and occasions like weddings, Tet, or just to take lovely pictures.
  • Wearing it with a conical hat makes Vietnamese ladies feel extremely proud. Over time, this garment has changed and evolved, and it is still a necessary item for Vietnamese women. Hue has a wide variety of gowns, including purple ones. Clearly, the color has a significance. Black represents sorrow, white represents innocence and purity, which is frequently worn by high school girls, crimson at festivals or weddings, and gold was reserved for royal families.

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The Than Ao Tu:

  • This garment, which was made before the Ao Dai appeared, is divided into three halves. A flowing tunic made of four pieces of cloth, a long skirt, and a bodice used as undergarments.
  • Unfortunately, people only wear it to specific events these days.

Nhat Binh Ao:

Nhat Binh Ao

In the Nguyen dynasty of Vietnam, royal women typically wore this type of clothing. Princesses and the spouses of King Gia Long have been wearing "Ao Nhat Binh" since 1807. Despite being influenced by Chinese clothing from the Ming Dynasty, the square collar with traditional Vietnamese embroidery motifs makes a distinction. No one wears this royal clothing on a regular basis. These days, individuals wear it to special events or for wedding pictures.

The Ao Ba Ba

A split on one side of this vibrant collarless long-sleeved shirt displays black or occasionally white silk slacks. It is still worn today and is distinctive of southern Vietnam, namely the rural Mekong Delta region. When working in the rice fields, farmers dress in brown or black. It is frequently worn by both men and women at celebratory occasions. Over time, this garment has also undergone a small alteration. In order to highlight the feminine body contour, it is no longer loose but rather fits the body closely.

2. Clothes for men

Clothes for men

In the north, males tend to wear brown clothing. Their favorite color is black in the south, and purple in the center.

Men's Ao Dai, originally known as "Ao Ngu Than," is also available, however it is not as well-liked. Men no longer wear this traditional attire as frequently as they once did; those who do wear it typically pair it with white pants and a dark color. The women's Ao Dai is considerably more rigid than the men's. Compared to the women's Ao Dai, it hasn't changed all that much.

These days, a lot of designers try to bring back classic men's attire by updating it and coming up with fresh, vibrant styles. As a result, men's Ao Dai is gradually making a comeback; they wear it mostly for formal occasions like weddings and celebrations.

II. Ethnic group clothing

  1. What gives the 54 ethnic groups in northern Vietnam their unique style is their extraordinarily rich, diverse, and vibrant clothing. Each ethnic group has a distinctive and genuine outfit that helps you identify them.
  2. The colors black, blue, red, and white, for instance, are used by the H'mong people. Their elegant linen outfits include a dark skirt, leggings, a scarf, a big belt, a two-piece dress, a shirt with a "V" neck, and several colorful designs. A lot of jewelry is worn by women.
  3. The typical ethnic Thai outfit consists of a long black skirt and blouse, a brocade scarf, and a colorful belt.
  4. Indian culture has affected the Cham ethnic group, who reside in south central Vietnam. Compared to the others, this group is less colorful. Both men and women dress in long, intricate sarongs or garments, with ladies wearing scarves. They dress up for festivals, the New Year, and other special events.

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Conventional wedding attire

Although there are many different wedding customs in Vietnam that are always evolving, many individuals claim they would rather stick to the fundamentals and avoid overly modernizing their wedding.

Wedding dress selections also differ. While some individuals continue to dress traditionally, others dress in a gorgeous white dress and a suit, much as in the West.


The Ao Mo Ba, a three-tiered, vividly colored gown (pink, yellow, and blue) worn over a black garment, was the bride's attire in the north.
Aside from a long red or pink dress, an indigo dress, and a black dress, the Ao Mo Ba is also worn in the center.
The Ao Dai is a long garment worn with black silk trousers by ladies in the south.

Advice for anybody planning a trip to Vietnam

Advice for anybody planning a trip to Vietnam

Even in hot weather, avoid going around half-naked since Vietnamese people are quite modest. The natives may find you uncomfortable if you dress too skimpily. Wearing clothing that praises or disparages the nation is strictly prohibited and will result in harsh consequences.

Please be aware that these shoes are removed in Vietnam as soon as you enter a room; dirt is left outside. As a result, please bring indoor slippers or buy some on-site.

If you want to visit Vietnam during the rainy season, wear open sandals since closed shoes and sneakers will not be able to dry out.

The Hanoi ladies's Museum has several traditional clothes that you may view if you'd want to understand more about the stunning attire of Vietnamese ladies.

Naturally, there are many fascinating aspects of Vietnamese traditional attire that I encourage you to explore on your own when you visit the country, so this list is not exhaustive.

Answered 3 months ago Luna Ella