How Much Money Do You Need To Travel Comfortably?

Asked 11 months ago
Answer 1
Viewed 164

Generally 20,000 US dollars is the basic cost of traveling around the world for one person in one year. This estimate is consistent with popular recommendations that budget travelers can spend an average of $50 per day on travel and allows for additional budget for flights and vaccinations.

How Much Money Do You Need To Travel Comfortably

It's a popular dream: quitting your job to travel the world. No responsibility, no agenda.

But Of course, nothing in life is free. Exactly how much would it cost to travel around the world?

Many factors influence the response to these questions questions. : How long would you like to stay abroad? which countries would you like to see; What type of accommodation would you like to stay in?

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Perhaps the easiest way to obtain your To calculate your budget you need to work backwards and calculate how much it will cost per day.

Various popular travel blogs such as Little Adrift, Never Ending Footsteps, and Earth Trekkers all agree that a base of $20,000 per person for a year is achievable. This equates to just over $50 per day.

Daily budget 

If you've ever been on holiday, the idea: Spending just $50 a day probably seems completely out of reach. Especially since this also includes accommodation.

But traveling for a year, no , no That means we will spend every day in luxury; You won't be eating out every meal or going on one excursion after another. Of course, there is room in the budget for the occasional treat, for example when living at home.

Hostels (some with private rooms, Some hotels and Airbnbs also offer longer stays, which can often cost on average tens of dollars a day, especially in smaller towns outside of major cities and in less expensive countries. More information below. 

Staying in a place with a kitchen It is also important to reduce costs of food.

And depending on where you are hosted, this also transportation instead of a rental car saves on the budget.

The countries you visit matter

If you're trying to stick to a budget, the easiest way to reduce costs is to prioritize travel to cheaper countries. Switzerland is known for being one of the most expensive countries to travel to, while Thailand, for example, is known for offering accommodation and food for just a few dollars.

Speaking of dollars, also a other factor The national currency and exchange rate are taken into account.

Travelling in Europe, for example, has always been more expensive because the euro dominates the dollar. But recently the two have been linked due to inflation, meaning travel to many European cities is currently relatively cheap.

What influences the impact on Budget The most important things to consider are flights and accommodation.

In the joint budgets for two of the Second the travel bloggers above, the average cost of all their flights was around 18% of the total cost. If you've ever traveled to the United States, this low price might seem incredible.

But domestic travel between European countries o Asia is incredibly cheaper than US domestic travel. You can often book flights for under $100, especially if your schedule or destination is flexible.

Pamper yourself during your trip

If European countries appear on your list of things to see, travel blogging experts say you can expect your daily budget to at least double, if not triple.

This means you are looking for rates travel expenses of at least US$40,000 per person for one year.

Answered 11 months ago Thomas  HardyThomas Hardy