How Long Does Kylie Jenner Challenge Last​?

Asked 5 months ago
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How Long Does Kylie Jenner Challenge Last​? When Kylie Jenner, the youngest of the infamous Kardashian siblings, unveiled a plumper-than-usual pout in April, it caused a sensation. Although the reality TV star says she used lip liner to get the appearance, others think she had injectable fillers, which is problematic since Kylie is under 17 and cannot have injectable filler therapy. Her youthful admirers have decided to use a far riskier technique to duplicate the outcomes.

How Long Does Kylie Jenner Challenge Last​

The unsettling practice of sucking for up to five minutes while placing lips inside a tiny glass (like a shot glass) to seal the skin was first covered by USA Today. Lips seem plumper as a result of this momentary swelling. Using the hashtag "#kyliejennerchallenge," thousands of adolescent fans took up the challenge and shared their findings on Twitter and other social media platforms.

Don't believe this if it appears like harmless adolescent prank. Dermatologists, plastic surgeons, and other medical specialists have been outspoken about the risks associated with the Kylie Jenner challenge. Dr. Scot Glasberg, president of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, likened the practice to "punching yourself in the face or running your face into the wall" in an interview with

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"Your lips swell because you're causing harm to them," Dr. Glasberg said.

The significant bruising and swelling can be seen by quickly scrolling through images and videos that have been hashtagged with the #kyliejennerchallenge.

More severe injuries might result from sucking on a glass. Some teenagers suck so forcefully that the glass shatters and pierces the flesh around their mouth and lips. In the worst situations, scarring may result from the need for sutures to treat the damage.

“These suction techniques can cause severe pain, swelling, and bruising, but with repeated attempts, there is a risk of scarring and permanent disfigurement,” dermatologic surgeon Dr. Dendy Engelman told Seventeen.

As Dr. Glasberg put it, "the whole thing is just pretty silly and irresponsible." Our plastic surgeon in Northern New Jersey, Dr. Erwin Bulan, concurs.

A Safer Method for Lip Plumping

Using safe treatment methods, Dr. Bulan has helped hundreds of patients achieve plumper, sexier-looking lips. Please take note that he does not treat minors and adheres to the FDA's age restrictions for therapy.

A popular injectable cosmetic for filling in wrinkles and creases around the mouth and nose is Juvederm. The gel filler, which is made of hyaluronic acid, may also be used to enhance the contour or size of your lips.

Treatment with Juvederm is well tolerated. The symptoms are transient, even if there may be modest side effects.

What are the long term effects of lip cupping?

You run the risk of causing tissue damage, nerve damage, and even lip amputation if you stop the blood flow to your lips.

What is a negative side effect of cupping?

Scarring, burns, bullae, abscesses, blood-borne and skin infections, pruritus, anemia, and panniculitis are all avoidable side effects of cupping treatment.

Answered 5 months ago Rajesh Kumar

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