How Do You Know If Woodworm Is Active? A Closer Look

Asked 7 months ago
Answer 1
Viewed 182

Did you ever notice little holes in your wooden furniture or flooring? If you have then, you may have the issue caused by the baby of some type of woodworm. The small-sized critters can create lots of harm not only to your home but your properties as well. Luckily, the hole that I jump out of is accompanied by a smile on the face because I have already encountered woodworms and we have already disclosed the hole is caused by woodworms.

Understanding Woodworm

Time is Now to map out how do you know if woodworm is active. However, this time we really want to start by telling you more about the newcomers. More commonly called woodboring beetles, are the insects that lay their eggs inside the wood. The moment these eggs hatch, the larvae (tiny worms) take off their munch through the wood.

Signs of Active Woodworm

So, how do you spot these pesky critters? Here are some key signs to look out for:

Tiny Holes

Woodworm is most clearly visible when you see small round holes in the wood which are the exit places of the adult beetles. The holes in the wood are where the adults come out. Nevertheless, a hole does not always mean that an active infestation is going on in your house. Some of the holes may be old and be left behind from a previous infestation.
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Wood Dust

The presence of fine, powdery dust generated from the perimeter holes, is a clear sign of active woodworm infestation. The larvae do this as they go through the wood and make a hole.


Tunnels Under the Surface

Although you can't see them without damaging the wood, woodworm larvae form tunnels as they eat. If you tap on the damaged wood and hear a hollow sound, it means that there is a lot of damage and likely active infestation.

Beetle Activity

At times, you may come across adult woodworm beetles. The small, brown beetles are the ones that tell you for sure there is an active infestation. The ordinary course is for them to emerge from the wood to mate and lay eggs.

How to Check for Active Woodworm

Now that you know the signs, let's talk about how to check for active woodworm.

  • Inspect Thoroughly: Make sure you check every wooden surface of your house carefully, and pay special attention to the skirting boards, the furniture, and the floorboards.
  • Look for Holes: Search for holey marks. Look through the dust of wood if you spot them.
  • Tap the Wood: Subtly tap the affected spots then listen to a vacant sound.
  • Monitor for Beetles: Besides, beetles are been moved when the weather is warmer, and may surely be present in your house.

Preventing Woodworm

Woodworm prevention will save the hassle and headache caused by an infestation. These are the tips:

  • Keep the Humidity Low: Woodworm flourishes in the sunken moist atmosphere in the room. Make sure your home has proper ventilation and the humidity is less.
  • Constant Inspections: Always look if your wooden items are infested by the parasites.
  • Treating Wood Infestation: When you see infested wood, you should contact a professional to treat the affected areas.

Key Takeaways

  • How do you know if woodworm is active? Spot little holes, dusty wood, tunnels, and adult beetles.
  • There are other reasons for the holes in wood that are not the active woodworm.
  • Protecting woodworm is the key. Keep low humidity and check your wooden items often.

Detecting woodworm in early stages is crucial in its treatment. If you think the place is infested, go for professional help without delay.

Answered 7 months ago Anonymous

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