Google Optimize Is Sunsetting This Year. What Are The Best Available Alternatives For A/B Testing Right Now?

Asked 2 years ago
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A lifelong A/B testing enthusiast and also the Co-founder and CEO of VWO - an industry-leading testing and experimentation platform. In their sunset announcement, Google recommends 3 A/B testing providers: A/B Tasty, Optimizely, and VWO. Although all 3 tools have been around for the better part of a decade, what tool you end up choosing should depend on your needs and budget. I will attempt to be unbiased here and share VWO's strengths compared to the other two and explain for whom VWO might be a good fit. If you're just getting started on your experimentation journey and are not very sophisticated/strategic in your experimentation program, I would suggest going with a tool that is the cheapest. VWO offers a generous free plan for testing while the others don?t. This plan includes: Unlimited concurrent tests for upto 50k monthly visitors An easy-to-use no-code editor Easy integration with your existing stack including Google Analytics, and Google Ads Capability to run experiments on websites built on Single Page Application frameworks without any manual overrides Solid support with 99% CSAT On the other hand, if you're a mid-market/enterprise company with a good enough traffic and experimentation roadmap, I would urge you to explore not one tool but rather 3 tools: A heatmap/session recording tool An A/B testing tool A CDP (for integrating first-party data) VWO offers an integrated platform with a heatmap/session recording tool, an A/B testing tool, and a CDP that you can manage via a single dashboard with insights and data feeding into each other. While Optimizely offers a robust data platform to enhance digital experiences, AB Tasty does not have the same. For visitor behavior analytics, in the case of AB Tasty and Optimizely, you need to add multiple code blocks and onboard additional tools like FullStory or Hotjar. Multiple codes can add to your website loading time and page load impact is an important factor to consider when choosing an A/B testing tool. As per data on Github, VWO is the fastest experimentation platform in the CRO industry (at least 2X faster than Optimizely and 4X faster than AB Tasty). You must also check what kind of support is available for training and troubleshooting. When you run into issues, you want the support team to work with you like a partner, and not simply direct you to a help article. With VWO, users get unlimited email, phone, or chat support depending on their plan at no extra cost. Finally, you want your tool to debunk test data for you. With VWO, measuring the impact of experiments and finding business insights is intuitive, error-free, and works in real time. You can slice and dice experimentation results with predefined or custom segmentation on the go. I hope this information helps you. If you are an existing GO user and choose to go with VWO, we have a simple Chrome plugin that will help you transfer your campaign data to VWO within 30 seconds. Read Also : Are Google software engineers really doing anything extraordinary day-to-day than simply coding/fixing some quite trivial software stuff?
Answered 2 years ago Shantun ParmarShantun Parmar