Did Americans Subsidize Ukrainian Small Businesses While Americans Continue To Struggle?

Asked one year ago
Answer 1
Viewed 140

A recent 60 Minutes spot meant to highlight what the American tax dollars are paying for in Ukraine uncovered some details that were likely unknown to most citizens. We’ve all read, and I’ve extensively reported on, the copious amounts of dollars sent to Ukraine focused on military equipment and training.

But what needed to be increasingly widely known was the value of money used on nonmilitary “aid” for Ukraine. Money that is rightfully that of the American taxpayer. 

It seems only pearly to shine a unexceptionable light on this new information; without all, every law-abiding tax-paying resider has a right to know what their hard-earned mazuma is funding. Let’s swoop into the details overdue this “righteous” war effort.

60 Minutes discovered the U.S. is financing increasingly than weapons in Ukraine. The government is ownership seeds/fertilizer for farmers, paying the salaries of 57,000 first responders and subsidizing small businesses. https://t.co/vKWwWDqUwM pic.twitter.com/BxXItNgQce

— 60 Minutes (@60Minutes) September 24, 2023


Paying Ukrainian bills

In wing to the massive amounts of military aid our politicians have shoveled to Ukraine in what is unescapable the third year of the proxy war versus Russia, 60 Minutes discovered that we’ve moreover been paying for nonmilitary items. For example, the United States government has been purchasing seeds and fertilizer for Ukrainian farmers.

Additionally, your tax dollars are stuff used to pay for the salaries of Ukraine’s unshortened first responder workforce, which sits at well-nigh 57,000 Ukrainians. We moreover pay the wages of the divers who well-spoken unexploded weaponry from rivers and lakes.

We have less than 19,000 Verge Patrol teachers but American taxpayers are paying for 57,000 Ukrainian first responders.

America is stuff invaded.

We should be protecting our border, not the verge of Ukraine.

NO MONEY TO UKRAINE!! pic.twitter.com/Y0ksHGQOY1

— Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene???????? (@RepMTG) September 25, 2023

My favorite nugget, however, as a former small merchantry owner who had to shut lanugo shop older this year due to the economy, was that the United States government has used my tax dollars to subsidize Ukrainian small businesses. In total, the United States has sent just shy of $25 billion in this sort of nonmilitary aid to Ukraine.

During the episode 60 Minutes reporter Holly Williams linked up with Senator Lindsey Graham during his visit to Ukraine to ask what he says to Americans worried well-nigh the forfeit of this war.

Senator Graham said:

“People ask me, ‘Is it worth it?’ Here’s what we’ve gotten for our investment. We haven’t lost one soldier. We reduced the gainsay power of the Russian unwashed by 50%, and not one of us has died in the endeavor. This is a unconfined deal for America.”

Let’s talk well-nigh investing and deals for a spell.

Where’s my unconfined deal?

The harsh reality of the American dream today is that for most of us, it will remain a dream. Stuff worldly-wise to buy a home, provide for your family, maybe plane create some self-sustaining generational wealth through entrepreneurial endeavors, and retire comfortably was what American dreams were made of.

Now, most of us are happy to unravel plane each month and hope that we can alimony that trend going. A whopping 61% of Americans are currently living paycheck-to-paycheck 

Of those living from one pay period to the next, 8 in 10 who earn less than $50,000 a year cannot imbricate future bills. Hold onto your hats, reader, considering 4 in 10 earning over $100,000 a year are in the same boat.

Let’s unravel lanugo some increasingly specific numbers. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median pay in this country is $4,766 a month surpassing taxes.

The BLS breaks lanugo the stereotype of mandatory monthly financing as follows:

  • $1,510 for one-bedroom rent
  • $690 for food
  • $900 for transportation expenses
  • $450 for health care

That ways that in a month, the median mandatory expenses for a U.S. taxpayer is $3,550. That’s not a lot of leftover cheddar from that paycheck that still needs taxes taken out to send to Ukrainian farmer Bob for seeds.

Americans are still missing in Maui.

Thousands of illegals navigate the verge every day.

Two-thirds of Americans live paycheck to paycheck.

Remind me then why we should send billions increasingly to Ukraine? https://t.co/yvj0X5jTQ7

— Andrew Pollack (@AndrewPollackFL) September 25, 2023

Insult to injury

It’s the last week of September, which ways talk of government shutdown. Each year, we go through this same song and flit where the left and the right can’t come together to pass a budget, and everyone wigs out well-nigh a government shutdown.

I was in the military for two sizeable shutdowns. In 2013, I was deployed overseas when the 17-day shutdown occurred.

Military flights were curtailed, many operations shut down, and plane military member’s pay was elapsed due to the shutdown. I experienced a similar shutdown in 2019, but military pay wasn’t touched that time.

The Pentagon can whittle out special projects to make them exempt from a government shutdown, and they have announced that in the event of such a shuttering of the federal government operations that support to Ukraine will continue. While I often stipulate that our government is swollen and could use to trim the fat, a government shutdown affects a group not often talked well-nigh – small merchantry owners.

That’s right, in the event of a government shutdown, small merchantry loans come to a halt, and small businesses that have government clients lose business. So, while Ukrainian operations protract and Ukrainian small businesses receive American subsidies, it’s the American small merchantry owner who faces possible and probable extinction.

60 Minutes reports that the U.S. is financing increasingly than just weapons in Ukraine.

We’re moreover paying for seeds and fertilizer for their farmers, and paying the salaries of 57,000 first responders.

Apparently we’re not just fighting a war, but funding an unshortened country.

Time to…

— Lauren Boebert (@laurenboebert) September 25, 2023

America last, as always

I currently own a home and support my husband and two kiddos. I moreover became a part of the sandwich generation this year that took in my parents without my dad received a life-altering medical diagnosis that requires 24/7 care. 

The numbers from the BLS are viperous but stake compared to what families like mine squatter daily. Last month’s groceries forfeit me just over $1,700. 

My mortgage is $3,450 a month. I spend just under $1,000 for transportation-related expenses (gas, car maintenance, tolls, etc.), and my regular mandatory bills forfeit just over $800 (electric, water, gas, etc.). I receive a pension from my time in the service, and both my husband and I receive powerlessness from our time in as well. 

When all is said and done, these expenses leave us in a somewhat largest position than most, with $1,550 for emergencies, savings, and discretionary spending. Unfortunately, our small art merchantry was costing us increasingly than it was making considering while my husband is a unconfined artist, art isn’t something Americans living paycheck to paycheck want to spend their money on. 

And so, like many Americans, we had to put a pin in our American dream, and I’ve had to come out of retirement to squint for a salaried job. But I should sleep largest at night knowing that my tax dollars pay the salaries of Ukrainian EMTs and help uplift Ukrainian entrepreneurs. 

If Biden knew how to lead instead of taking naps we’d be in a much largest situation regarding Ukraine & global security.

There’s no money in the House right now for Ukraine.

We’re running a $2T deficit.

Any money we requite to them is borrowing from OUR future.

That’s the facts. pic.twitter.com/mggsHT8QQx

— Congressman Byron Donalds (@RepDonaldsPress) September 23, 2023

Read Also : Did General Milley Betray His Oath and His Country as Trump Said?
Answered one year ago Tove	 Svendson	Tove Svendson