Could You Explain The Difference Between Destructor Dispose And Finalize Method?

Asked 11 months ago
Answer 1
Viewed 487

When an object implements the IDisposable interface, the destructor implicitly calls Finalize. Dispose is available when the object implements the IDisposable interface.

The C# Dispose() and settle() techniques are utilized to free the unmanaged assets kept by an item. The Dispose() strategy is portrayed inside the IDisposable point of interaction, however the settle() technique is depicted inside the class object. The essential qualification between these techniques is that the Dispose() strategy must be unequivocally summoned by the client. Conversely, the garbage man (GC) summons the finish() strategy not long before the article is annihilated.

In this article, you will gain proficiency with the distinction among arrange() and finish(). In any case, prior to examining the distinctions, you should realize about Essential Dispose() and finish() with their linguistic structure.

What is Dispose()?

The dispose()method delivers any unmanaged assets claimed by a class object. Unmanaged assets incorporate records, information associations, and numerous others. The capability Dispose() is characterized in the connection point IDisposeable, and the class executes it by carrying out the point of interaction IDisposable. It isn't conjured as a matter of course, and the developer should physically carry out it while making a custom class that others will utilize.

Sentence structure:

There is a sentence structure of Dispose() strategy.

public void dispose( ){  
// here, write code for dispose  

You might see that the strategy is characterized as open in the above code. It is because of this capability is portrayed in the connection point IDisposable and should be executed by the class that carries out that connection point. Subsequently, the strategy is unveiled to empower admittance to the executing class.

Software engineer code physically summons this technique as it is executed to conjure. The strategy's speed is fast, in a split second delivering the assets held by a class' item.

What is Finalize()?

The conclude() strategy is portrayed in the article class. It is used for cleaning. At the point when an item's reference isn't utilized for a significant time frame, the trash specialist calls this capability. The city worker (GC) consequently liberates oversaw assets. On the off chance that you wish to free unmanaged assets, for example, record makes due, information associations, and so on, the conclude() strategy should be carried out physically. The GC calls the conclude() technique in practically no time before altogether annihilating the thing.

The conclude() technique is executed with the guide of the destructor. The java.lang.object class characterizes the conclude() technique. This strategy has been assigned as secured and isn't set apart as open to keep different classes from getting to it. The conclude() strategy might lessen program speed since it doesn't quickly free memory.

Language structure:

protected void finalize( ){  
// here, write code for finalization  

Head-to-head comparison between Dispose() and Finalize()

This article compares the Dispose() and Finalize() methods head-to-head.

Features Dispose() Method Finalize() Method
Defined It is defined in the interface IDisposable interface. It is defined in java.lang.object class.
Basic It is used to close or release unmanaged resources stored by an object, like files or streams. It is used to clear up unmanaged resources owned by the current object before it is destroyed.
Syntax The syntax of dispose() method is:
public void Dispose( ){
// Dispose code here
The syntax of finalize() method is:
protected void finalize( ){
// here, write code for finalization
Access specifier It is declared as public. It is declared as private.
Invoked It is invoked by the user. It is invoked by the garbage collector (GC).
Speed It is invoked very quickly. It is invoked more slowly than dispose() method.
Performance It executes immediate action and has no impact on the performance of the site. It has an impact on the performance of the site.
Implementation Every time whenever there is a close() function, the dispose() method should be implemented. Unmanaged resources must be implemented using the finalize() method.

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Answered 11 months ago Tove	 Svendson	Tove Svendson