101 Creative Writing Prompts For High School

August 02, 2024
101 Creative Writing Prompts For High School

Creative Writing Prompts For High School: Are you a high school student trying to get ideas for your creative writing projects? Are you unable to generate fresh and interesting ideas and feel as if you are caught in a rut? If so, you're not isolated. Many students find it difficult to come up with ideas for creative writing, particularly under pressure to provide something unique and interesting.

The good news is, however, that there are strategies to break through the block and inspire your work.Attending our award-winning "Creative writing summer program," for example, can help you overcome your blank page phobia. In what way? Learning tried techniques for crafting outstanding tales can help you.

Using creative writing prompts is another approach to ignite your own ideas.This page will provide imaginative high school students just like you a collection of creative writing ideas. You will therefore gain the motivation required to enter the flow and begin writing!

What exactly are writing prompts

101 Creative Writing Prompts For High School

work prompts are suggestions that assist authors overcome writer's block and get started on their work. They may take several forms, including a

  • Word Phrase Picture
  • A set of questions.

Prompts for creative writing may spark inspiration. A writing prompt urges you to start writing!What kinds of writing, you ask? It might range from fiction writing to essay writing. Creative writing prompts may even help you get started with freewriting in your daily notebook.

As you can see, writing prompts are a popular technique for many authors to get started on a new project. Or to get beyond writer's block while they're stuck.

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Creative Writing Prompts For High School

There are too many different ways to use writing prompts. Here are a few ideas:

Use writing prompts to begin a new writing activity.

Are you struggling to generate ideas for a fresh writing project? Get going with a writing prompt. One might start a work from a writing prompt.

  • Short tale.
  • Innovative.
  • Essay—or any other kind of writing.

Creative Writing Prompts High School Students will like

Write an essay about a character who:

  • After discovering a strange abandoned home in the woods, the protagonist obtains the ability to travel across time.
  • needs to face their worst fear.
  • is granted the option to live in another historical period.
  • Discovers a mysterious subterranean society.
  • is handed a mystical device capable of granting wishes.

Or, check out the other prompts too:

  • Create a poem about a summer day that you'll never forget.
  • Imagine you're stuck on a desolate island. Write a tale about your experience.
  • Write a letter to yourself 10 years from now.
  • Assume you are a detective attempting to investigate a mystery crime. Write a narrative about your investigation.

Creative Writing Prompts For High School English

Write a short poem about a/an.

  • Summer romance. You will never forget.
  • You had a memorable encounter with a buddy.
  • A location that has particular value to you.
  • You experienced a moment of clarity or realization.
  • Someone who has had a substantial influence on your life.
  • An item that has unique significance for you.
  • You had a dream that you cannot seem to forget.
  • A period when you felt absolutely lost.
  • A period when you felt fully free.
  • You observed a beautiful moment.

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Writing Prompts with an Element of Suspense

Write an essay about a character who:

  • is being pursued by an unknown attacker.
  • awakens with no recollection of the previous 24 hours.
  • gets a series of weird and frightening letters.
  • finds a secret area in their home filled with macabre items.
  • is caught in a strange and unfamiliar environment.
  • is being hunted by a terrible, unknown force.
  • is being observed by an unseen set of eyes.
  • A mysterious figure is following them.
  • Heard odd sounds in the middle of the night.
  • discovers an unexpected, unmarked gift on their doorstep.

Writing Prompts for Stories That Start with Dialogue

Begin your narrative with a dialogue between two characters who are:

  • arguing.
  • We are meeting for the first time.
  • We met for the first time in 10 years after graduation.
  • Attempting to solve an issue.
  • We are discussing a secret.
  • Attempting to hide a secret from someone else.
  • They're discussing their future plans.
  • Attempting to make apologies after a mistake.
  • Reflecting on the past.
  • Trying to convince each other about something.

Writing Prompts That Ask “What if

What if you:

  • Who awoke one morning with the capacity to fly? How would you use this ability.
  • Could there be time travel? Where would you go, and why.
  • awoke one day to discover that everyone in the planet had exchanged bodies? How would you deal with this.
  • Could they read minds? How would you use this ability.
  • Had you suddenly had access to infinite wealth? How do you intend to utilize this wealth.
  • Could you speak to animals? How may this affect your life.
  • Were you the only person on Earth who knew how to speak a certain language? How would you use this knowledge.
  • Could you become invisible at will? How would you use this power.
  • Have you gained the capacity to converse with the ghosts of the deceased? How may this affect your life.
  • Could I teleport anyplace in the globe instantly? How would you use this ability.

Funny Writing Prompts for High School

Write a narrative about a character who:

  • They wake up to see that they have transformed into a big chicken.
  • own a magical light that gives them crazy requests.
  • become the world's worst superhero.
  • He unintentionally becomes President of the United States.
  • A gigantic hamster chases him.
  • realizes that their reflection is in fact an alternative realm.
  • A misunderstanding at a karaoke club propels him to global fame as a rapper.
  • become the world's worst detective.
  • is always followed by a cloud of bees.
  • become the world's worst secret agent.

Creative Writing Topics For Grade 12

  • You felt really pleased of yourself.
  • You have to face your worst fear.
  • You had a moment of clarity or realization.
  • You believed that life was lovely.
  • Write about a location that has particular value to you.
  • Write about someone who had a big effect on your life.
  • Write about a beautiful moment that you observed.
  • Write about a dream you can't forget.
  • Write about a memorable encounter you had with a buddy.

Writing Prompts For High School Seniors

  1. Write a story about a character who is
  • being stalked by a demon
  • trapped in a haunted house
  • terrorized by a clown
  1. Write a story about a character who
  • begin seeing bizarre, unearthly entities in their dreams.
  • hears a lady cry every night, but no one is there
  • notices a strange doll appear in their house, not knowing where it came from
  • neighbors report seeing a kid roaming around the home, but your character lives alone.

CreativePromptSongs, books, and other art

  • Choose a musical quotation, jot it down, and then freewrite from there.
  • Choose a song and create a tale in which it is played in the automobile.
  • Choose a song and write to its beat.
  • Choose a character from a book and explain an incident in your life through the eyes of that character.
  • Go to the library and jot down ten book titles that pique your interest. Write for 5 minutes, starting with each one.
  • Go to the library and open a random book page. Write down 5 phrases that pique your interest. Use those phrases as prompts and free-write for 5 minutes on each.
  • Choose a piece of abstract art. Make a list of 10 words that come to mind while looking at the picture or drawing, and then free-write for 2 minutes about each of them.
  • Find an image of a dramatic Renaissance artwork online. Tell a tale about what is happening in the artwork that is unrelated to what the artist intended.
  • Write about your day in five acts, like in a Shakespearean play. What would the introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, and conclusion of your day look like in a play?
  • Narrate a sophisticated book or film narrative in a few phrases.
  • Read a brief poem. Then, compose a poem that may be a "sister" or "cousin" to that one.

Creative writing prompts forMiddle School & High School

  • Write something you know to be true, followed by "but maybe it isn't." Then explain why that may not be true.
  • Write a statement, then refute it. Then try it again.
  • Create an email with an outrageous reason for why you didn't complete your schoolwork or why you need an extension.
  • Write about your morning ritual, making it seem opulent or wonderful (even if it isn't).
  • You just received a reward for doing a pretty basic and straightforward activity. Write your acceptance speech.
  • Write about a non-athletic event as if it were a sports contest.
  • Write about the most difficult technique to do a basic job.
  • Write a short account of your life, exaggerating everything.
  • Write about your day, but lie about certain details.
  • Share the tale of your birth.
  • Choose a historical incident and create an alternate ending.
  • Write about a notable historical figure's day-to-day activities.
  • Read an instruction manual and modify three instructions to incorporate some magical or otherwise implausible aspect.

Final Thoughts

Hopefully, you found any of these creative writing prompts useful. Remember that while writing creatively, particularly on your own, you may combine and adapt prompts. To learn more about writing for high school kids, read the following articles:

FAQs' Creative Writing Prompts For High School

what are creative writing prompts?

Writing prompts are invitations to create a tale on a certain topic—a suggestion to start your creative juices flowing. There are so many story ideas out there, whether they come from your own life or your imagination, so prompts may help steer your narrative and characters.