Element Selectors In Cucumber Protractor Javascript

August 09, 2024
Element Selectors In Cucumber Protractor Javascript

Our fellow automated testers often wonder why utilizing a BDD framework like Cucumber.js is relevant. Many believe it is just piling more work for them on their table. Using a BDD framework offers benefits, too, ones that will enable you to take your Selenium test automation a long way. Not to exclude, these BDD models enable every one of your stakeholders to quickly understand the rationale behind your test automation script. Using Cucumber.js for your Selenium Element Selectors In Cucumber Protractor Javascript testing will enable you to clearly define an acceptance criteria understandable to any non-programmer. Without reading through massive amounts of code, it could also enable you rapidly assess the reasoning represented in your Selenium test automation suite.

Behaviour Driven Development models such as Cucumber.js have made tests far easier to grasp using a given-when-then architecture. To put this in perspective, let us consider a minor situation whereby you have to examine an ATM to see if it is operating as it should. Given the account balance, we will create the conditions wherein the card is valid, the machine has enough money, and we have $1000. The Cashpoint should disburse $200 when the Account Holder asks $200; the account balance should be $800 and the card should be returned.

This Cucumber.js tutorial will go deeply into a clear knowledge of the setup, installation, and execution of our first automated test with Cucumber.js for Selenium Element Selectors In Cucumber Protractor Javascript. See our carefully selected list of questions and answers at Cucumber interview questions if you want to hone your Cucumber interviewing techniques.

What is Cucumber.js and what makes it so popular?

Starting our Cucumber.js tutorial with a quick overview of the framework, Designed on the Behavior Driver Development methodology, Cucumber.js is a quite strong and efficient Selenium JavaScript testing tool. This test library gives us the means to define our tests in plain language even understood by a layman and offers easy connection with Selenium. Following a given-when-then framework, Cucumber.js Selenium JavaScript testing tool aids in plain language representation of the tests, therefore facilitating our tests as a point of contact and cooperation. This function makes the test more readable, so facilitating better understanding of every use case. Although the developers use it for unit testing, its main applications are integration and end to end tests. Furthermore, it makes the tests so readable that there is little any requirement for test case documentation and can even be consumed by business users.

Setting up Cucumber.js for Selenium Javascript Testing

Therefore, we must set up our system with the Cucumber.js framework and install all the required libraries and packages to start Selenium JavaScript testing before we proceed with our Cucumber.js Tutorial, so beginning developing and running our automated test scripts using Cucumber.

Foundation package and most crucial for every Selenium Javascript testing tool is Node JS and Node Package Manager (npm). It can be downloaded by installing node package manager from the nodejs.org official website: http://www.nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager or using the package installer for different operating systems downloaded from the web site here for Mac OS, Windows or Linux. npm manager is i.e. The npm command can be run on the command line and verified for proper system installation.

Next necessary for our test running is the Cucumber.js library module. Development dependencies for us would be the Cucumber.js package. We would install the Cucumber.js library package in the npm repository using the node package manager i.e., npm following the successful installation and validation of the Node JavaScript on the machine.

Thus, we will use the npm command as shown below to install the most recent edition of the Cucumber.js module.

Here the parameter "g" denotes the worldwide installation of the module, so it does not restrict the use of the module to the present project and it also may be accessed using commands-line tools. By means of the cucumber keyword, the command carried out with the parameter "–save-dev" will place the Cucumber executable in the base directory i.e.,./node_modules/.bin and run the commands in our command-line tool.

Java - SDK: We would next proceed to install the Java Development Kit on our systems since all the Selenium test infrastructure runs internally using Java. Using JDK with version 6.0 and above is encouraged; set or configure the JAVA system environment variables here.

Selenium Driver for Web: We would have to install Selenium Web Driver Library using the below npm command to automate the system browser. Usually, while installing other libraries, it immediately becomes installed in our npm node_modules base directory as a dependency.

Creating the Cucumber.js test framework?

We will now proceed with building our project structure and establish a directory called cucumber_test after we have configured our system for our Cucumber.js tutorial. Next we will establish two subfolders, feature and step definition, which will house corresponding scripts developed for our features and step definition.

$mkdir possesses features.
$mkdir step-definitions

At last the folder will feature a produced bundle.Save all of the development dependencies for these modules by means of a json file kept in the package's base directory. Still another crucial task with the item.The json file is meant to add the test attribute to the scripts parameter.

Composing our first Cucumber.js test script

Doing a sample application is next in this Cucumber.js course. First we will create a project directory called cucumber_test and subsequently a subdirectory called script with a single_test.js test script name.

We will then incorporate a scenario using a.feature file. Which will be delivered to our application as we guide Cucumber.js to run the feature file? At last, the Cucumber.js framework will read the file and call the code matching the information in the feature file.

Starting with a somewhat simple browser-based application that lets us search by clicking the search button when visiting the Selenium official homepage, here is our first test scenario.

Please pay attention to the package.json file we will be referencing for our forthcoming demos.


All the project configuration and certain necessary dependencies for the setup of the package are found in the file package.json. It is noteworthy that the script is executed using the definitions from this file, so this serves as our project description.

Scripting Cucumber.js Over an Online Selenium Grid

It's time for us to get schooled on running the test script on LambdaTest, a cross- browser testing cloud, therefore experiencing a cloud Selenium Grid.

LambdaTest hosted on the cloud lets you test your website on 3000+ combinations of browsers and operating systems. Not only improving your test coverage but also reducing your time throughout the general test administration.

All you have to do to run the same script on LambdaTest Selenium Grid is to change your Selenium Element Selectors In Cucumber Protractor Javascript script. As you would now want to enter the hub URL for the Remote WebDriver which will run your script on our Selenium Grid. Combine the access key token with the username. For this, we have to enter the username details found in the configuration files—that is, the cred.conf.js file—along with the access key token located in the conf directory. As advised below, two ways can be exported the username and access key token.

Remember to use parallel testing.

Selenium parallel testing will help you greatly cut down your test cycles. Imagine if every one of our at least fifty test cases runs for one minute on average. The test suite should be run in about fifty minutes, ideal. The overall test time reduces to 25 minutes, though, if we run two test cases in two parallel concurrent sessions. Test time is therefore clearly drastically shortened. Execute the below command $ npm run parallel to run the parallel testing with Selenium for this Cucumber.js tutorial.


Cucumber.js gives us the means to create tests that everyone may readily understand. Making the framework very adaptable will help us to provide human-readable user requirement descriptions for the foundation of web application testing. By means of Selenium Grid, we can interact with our webpage on the browser and make several assertions to confirm that the modifications we made do reflect in our web application on every Browser-OS combination. Cucumber.js Still, Cucumber.js allows a much more to be done. Developed over the Selenium interface, this test framework gives us almost infinite capacity for Selenium Element Selectors In Cucumber Protractor Javascript. Tell us whether this Cucumber.js tutorial appealed to you and whether you wish us to cover any particular topic. Thank you for testing; stay safe.

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